We call our Buyers to change through Marketing and Prospecting outreach. Calling our Buyers to Change requires us to master 4 major tools.

  1. The Story
  2. The Plan
  3. Campaign Planning
  4. Prospecting Playbooks

Marketing KPIs:

  • Impressions, Clicks, Attendees, Referrals, Leads

Sales KPIs:

  • Calls made, connects, emails sent, LI messages sent

Account Management KPIs:

  • Problems identified, introductions made, meetings held



Our GTM team educates our Buyers and helps them overcome their fears. Handling objections and doubts is a critical GTM capability. Educating them requires information and content that our Buyers will want to consume. There are 4 major tools to master.

  1. Content Plan
  2. Lead Nurturing
  3. Objection Handling Framework
  4. Appointment Setting Framework

Marketing KPIs:

  • Lead to Sales Qualified Lead conversion, form submissions per Lead

Sales KPIs:

  • Meetings set, meetings held, fears overcome

Account Management KPIs:

  • Meetings held, Referrals made



Our GTM teams need to provide our Buyers with a logical reason and way to solve their problem. We help them think in a structured way about the full scope of the problem, what a solution would need to provide, and what they will get when they are successful. There are four key tools used during the Discovery process.

  1. Deal Qualification Framework
  2. Guidebook
  3. The Five Motivations
  4. The Quick Wins Framework

Marketing KPIs:

  • SQL to Opportunity conversion rate, Opportunities generated by Source, Cost Per Opportunity

Sales KPIs:

  • Appointment to Opportunity Conversion, Opportunities Generated, Pipeline $ Generated

Account Management KPIs:

  • Number of Sales Meetings, Sales MeetingsĀ  to Opportunity Conversion, Upsell opportunities generated, Upsell Pipeline $ Generated



Across buying groups, there are eight questions, or tests, our Buyer needs to answer and pass that are presented by their Companions. We spend deals helping our Buyers pass these Eight Tests.

  1. Teammates ask, “Do we like you?”
  2. Blockers ask, “Can you prove it will work?”
  3. Guardians ask, “What are your intentions?”
  4. Allies ask, “Is this the right direction?”
  5. Mentors ask, “Will they follow you?”
  6. Counselors ask, “How do we mitigate the risk?”
  7. Chiefs ask, “What are others saying?”
  8. Authorities ask, “Will the solution matter?”

Marketing KPIs:

  • Contacts per Deal, Conversion Rates on Deals with various Contacts per Deal

Sales KPIs:

  • Companions identified, Tests passed, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length, Average Win Rate

Account Management KPIs:

  • Buying centers identified, Whitespace, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length, Average Win Rate



We help our Buyers solve their problems by helping them Develop a Solution. We give demos, run trials and go through requirements. There are three major tools for working a deal through Solution Development.

  1. Solution Building Framework
  2. Solution Testing Framework
  3. Solution Evaluating Framework

Marketing KPIs:

  • Marketing Generated Deals by Solution or Product, Marketing Generated Pipeline by Solution or Product

Sales KPIs:

  • First 3 Tests Passed, Prospecting Generated Deals by Solution or Product, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length, Average Win Rate

Account Management KPIs:

  • Whitespace, Share of Wallet, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length, Average Win Rate



We help our Buyers to avoid temptations and buy from us, the provider of the Right Solution. There are 2 tools to be mastered.

  1. Competitive Playbooks
  2. Competitive Battlecards

Marketing KPIs:

  • Market penetration, market share, SEO Rankings

Sales KPIs:

  • Competitors identified, Competitors beat, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length, Average Win Rate

Account Management KPIs:

  • Competitors identified, Competitors beat, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length, Average Win Rate



We help our Buyers become leaders so that they achieve the respect necessary to get the deal done. We have 4 tools to master.

  1. Pricing Framework
  2. Proposal Generation
  3. Close Plan
  4. The Five Gates

Marketing KPIs:

  • Gross Margin, Average Win Rate, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length for Marketing Generated Deals

Sales KPIs:

  • Gross Margin, Average Win Rate, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length

Account Management KPIs:

  • Gross Margin, Average Win Rate, Average Deal Size, Average Sales Cycle Length



We help our Buyers get deals closed by preparing them, negotiating with and for them, and getting final approval from the Authority. We coach our Buyers as they go out and convince every Companion to purchase our solution. Finally, we prepare our Buyers for what will come during implementation. There are 3 tools to master.

  1. Court Case Deal Review
  2. Negotiation Framework
  3. The Final Test

Marketing KPIs:

  • Marketing Generated Bookings, Marketing Attribution

Sales KPIs:

  • Final Two Tests Passed, Bookings, Revenue, Deal Size, Win Rate, Sales Cycle Length

Account Management KPIs:

  • Wallet Share, Bookings, Revenue, Deal Size, Win Rate, Sales Cycle Length



We work closely with our Buyers and users to get our solutions implemented. Managing this process requires a clear understanding of what success will look like and how it will be measured. There are 3 tools to assist our team during implementation.

  1. Success Plan
  2. Training Plan
  3. Coaching Plan

Marketing KPIs:

  • Adoption Rate, User Engagement Rate

Sales KPIs:

  • Success Rate, Implementation Ramp time, Adoption rate, certification %

Account Management KPIs:

  • Success Rate, Implementation Ramp time, Adoption rate, certification %



We help our Buyers celebrate their successes and move on to their next great accomplishment. We must begin to Manage the account and find additional opportunities and pipeline that will lead to revenue. There are 2 tools to master during Upselling.

  1. Account Plan
  2. Testing Plan

Marketing KPIs:

  • Share of Wallet, Product Campaign Performance

Sales KPIs:

  • Hypotheses Developed, Evidence Gathered, Additional Opportunities Generated

Account Management KPIs:

    • Hypotheses Developed, Evidence Gathered, Additional Opportunities Generated



We are focused on getting our Buyers to renew our contracts and solutions. From the time the original deal is signed we work to keep our Buyers happy and retain them to reduce churn. There are 3 main tools used during Retention.

  1. Competitive Playbooks
  2. Post-Mortem Framework
  3. Renewal Playbook

Marketing KPIs:

  • Renewal Campaign Performance

Sales KPIs:

  • $ Retention, Client Retention, Churn, Adoption, Change Rate, Switching Costs

Account Management KPIs:

  • $ Retention, Client Retention, Churn, Adoption, Change Rate, Switching Costs



We are built to evolve with our Buyers and help them find meaning in their work. We continue to pull them forward through unending challenges, as we help them establish their legacy. There are 2 tools we use to help Buyers as we develop Customer Loyalty.

  1. Account Management Playbook
  2. Relationship Management Playbook

Marketing KPIs:

  • Lifetime Value, Revenue, Growth, Customer Satisfaction

Sales KPIs:

  • Lifetime Value, Revenue, Growth, Customer Satisfaction

Account Management KPIs:

  • Lifetime Value, Revenue, Growth, Customer Satisfaction