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Myths often revolve around the life of a Hero. The Hero’s Journey begins with a Call to Adventure. It urges heroes to leave the comfort of home and set off on the journey.


George Lucas begins Star Wars, the Heroic journey of Luke Skywalker, with a plea for our Hero to leave the comfort of home and take off on the journey. Princess Leia delivers a Call to Adventure to compel Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to act. It includes four parts.


  1. Connection: “General Kenobi, years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars…”
  2. Threat: “My ship has fallen under attack…”
  3. Instruction: “I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion in the memory systems of this R2 unit…”
  4. Plea: “Help me Obi Wan. You’re my only hope.”



Most Heroes, when presented with the Call to Adventure, come up with a reason they can’t act. They doubt themselves and object to going forward.


After R2-D2 delivers Leia’s message, Luke immediately refuses to get involved. He objects to Obi Wan’surging four times, representing the 4 Fears that all Heroes face.


  1. Fear of Lost Time: “It’s late.” Luke is mindful and protective of his time.
  2. Fear of Dependence: “I’ve got work to do.” Luke doesn’t want to weaken his position at home.
  3. Fear of Humiliation: “There’s nothing I can do about it right now.”  Luke assumes he’d fail if he tried.
  4. Fear of the Unknown: “It’s such a long way from here.” Luke doesn’t know about the world beyond his home planet.



Heroes meet a Mentor that helps instill confidence and provides Heroes with wisdom. The mentor helps them to finally take off on the journey.


In Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather, Michael Corleone is the young Hero, called to avenge the attempted murder of his father, Vito Corleone. Michael is mentored by Peter Clemenza, a capo and old friend of Vito’s. Clemenza’s guidance comes in four parts.


  1. Review the Problem: “Ok, you shot ‘em both, what do you do?”
  2. Provide Direction: “Walk out of the place real fast, but you don’t run.”
  3. Introduce the Reward: “We was all proud of you bein a hero and all. Your father too.”
  4. Provide a Gift: “It’s as cold as they come, impossible to trace. So you don’t worry about prints. I put a special tape on the trigger and the butt.”



Heroes gather a group of trusted Companions that help them defeat the enemy, earn the reward and complete the journey. Each Companion provides certain skills and insights.


In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Frodo is aided on his quest by several Companions that make up the Fellowship of the Ring.


  1. The Authority – Aragorn
  2. The Ally – Samwise
  3. The Teammates – Merry and Pip
  4. The Counselor – Legolas
  5. The Guardian – Gimli
  6. The Blocker – Boromir
  7. The Chief – Elrond
  8. The Mentor – Gandalf



Heroes begin their quest with their Companions by crossing the first threshold. They encounter a series of tests, trials and enemies that slow them down, and prepare them for what’s ahead.


Katniss Everdeen, in Suzanne Collison’s Hunger Games, goes through her Trials at the Training Center in the Capitol.There are three stages of the Trials that Katniss passes through.


  1. Gathering Sponsors: “To get sponsors, you have to make people like you.” ~Haymitch
  2. Training: ““[My mother] said District 12 might finally have a winner. But she wasn’t talking about me. She was talking about you.” ~Peeta
  3. The Interview: “And what did you say to her in the end?” ~Caesar. ”I told her that I’d try to win. That I’d try to win for her.” ~Katniss



During a heroic journey, Heroes encounter Temptations that lead them away from their quest, to their detriment. They must be overcome before Heroes will be ready for the Ordeal.


In Homer’s Odyssey, our Hero Odysseus sails home to Ithaca after the conclusion of the Trojan War. Along his route home, Odysseus and his Companions are confronted with temptations that seek to divert them. Some of those temptations include:


  1. Calypso offers Odysseus Immortality  if he’ll stay with her
  2. Circe preys on Odysseus’ Pride to lure him to bed
  3. Aeolus’ bag offers the crew Power on par with their Captain Odysseus
  4. The Lotus Eaters offer the crew Comfort from the deadly seas



As Heroes move through Trials and past Temptations, they gain confidence and maturity. There comes a moment where they are exalted, and they rise as a leader of the Companions.


In the classic film The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her Companions arrive in Oz to rest, refresh and prepare to ask the Wizard for their rewards. Dorothy’s rise to super star status in Oz has three parts.


  1. She is elevated: “But she’s the Witch’s Dorothy!” ~Scarecrow
  2. Companions envision the rewards: “If I only had a heart.” ~The Tin Man
  3. She leads the Companions: “Bring me the broomstick of the Wicked Witch.” ~The Wizard of Oz



Heroes journey down the Way to the Reward. This Approach to the Innermost Cave allows for the Hero to overcome complications and pass the final test.


In Mel Gibson’s Braveheart, William Wallace becomes well known across Scotland as a brave warrior destined to free the country from the oppression of English rule. Before the Battle of Stirling, Wallace and his companions arrive to meet a discouraged army ready to run instead of fight.  There are three parts of the scene.


  1. Heroic Moment: The impending battle serves as the backdrop for Wallace’s heroic moment.
  2. Negotiation: Wallace negotiates with his army, and then the English army, convincing both to fight.
  3. Atonement: Wallace gains agreement from the Scottish lords to let him lead the battle.



The critical moment all Heroes face is their Ordeal. The Ordeal includes many points of tension, each which brings the Hero close to danger and death.


In the final season of Game of Thrones, Arya, her family, and the living, face off against the dead. There are key actions she takes before, during and after the Battle of Winterfell that allow her to triumph in her Ordeal.


  1. Reorganization: Arya reorganizes relationships, killing many and forgiving and building trust with others.
  2. The Battle: The Companions battle the enemy and sacrifices are made for the team
  3. Prophecy: Arya meets the red witch Melisandre, who reminds Arya of guidance she gave her years ago.
  4. Victory: While Jon and Daenerys are fighting dragons, Arya strikes the ultimate blow, and ends the battle.



After defeating the monster, Heroes enjoy their Triumph. It is an important psychological moment, as it allows Heroes to celebrate, reflect and enjoy their accomplishments.


In the popular TV series Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby is our Hero that overcomes his enemy in the last episode of Season One. There are three parts or the concluding scenes that are relevant.


  1. The Celebration: After defeating their enemy, Tommy and his brothers celebrate their victory in the bar. They pay their respects to the dead.
  2. Recorded History: Tommy sits down at his typewriter and writes a letter to his love, Grace.
  3. The Sequel: Tommy determines that his triumph is not enough, and he will seek greater rewards…in season 2 and beyond!



For the stories of Heroes to be complete, they must be renewed. While the Ordeal is the crisis that defines the Hero, there is one final challenge Heroes face.


In Marvel’s Black Panther, King T-Challa is transformed when he dies and is resurrected to seek justice and peace. King T-Challa’s renewal has three important stages.


  1. The Duel: Killmonger challenges King T-Challa to a duel to determine the rightful king of Wakanda.
  2. The Burial: King T-Challa dies and is buried by his mother and sister.
  3. The Transformation: King T-Challa awakens, reborn to right the wrongs of the Kings of Wakanda.



At the end of the Hero’s Journey, Heroes return home with the Elixir, which brings peace and healing to the world. It leads to a state of enlightenment for our Heroes.


In Steven Spielberg’s E.T., we see our Hero return home in his space ship after his journey to earth. For E.T. the Return Home includes two parts.


  1. Magic Flight: Elliott and the Companions escape on bikes, with E.T. in the front basket of Elliot’s bike, as the bike’s take off into the evening sky
  2. The Elixir: As E.T. boards his ship to return home, he brings with him a flower pot, that serves as symbol of the journey, and the love that he found on his way home.