Case Study #3: How a Communication Technology Corporation Converted more Appointments into Deals

Challenge:  A Communication Technology Company was seeing Buyers in Enterprise accounts beginning to act much differently than Buyers in the Middle Market. Their goals, requirements and decision-making process were becoming drastically different. The company was historically strong in the Enterprise space but was struggling to grow pipeline in the Middle Market. They needed to develop a strategy that helped them generate qualified deals in both segments.

Solution: The company invested in an Inside Sales organization focused on driving growth in the Middle Market space. In addition to hiring a team and developing the right tech stack, the company invested in a sales process suited for faster, simpler sales expected in the segment. The process was designed to optimize the conversion of appointments into qualified deals by developing:

  1. Qualification Criteria: The GTM team developed qualification criteria and a discovery plan to determine if a deal should be generated and added to the pipeline.
  2. Benefits Positioning: Based on discovery, the sales team was trained to position the benefits of the solution in the most relevant way for each Buyer.
  3. Quick Wins: The team developed a program to introduce clients and prospects to other clients that could benefit from pooling resources and intelligence with each other.

Results: The Inside Sales team ramped to full productivity three months earlier than expected, due to above expected pipeline growth. Keys to success included:

  1. 100% more appointments set due to better discovery focused on identifying pain Buyers were interested in solving
  2. 60% more opportunities generated due to sales being handed better qualified deals ready to enter opportunities