Case Study #1: How a Sales and Marketing Consultancy Grew Exponentially by Scaling Lead Generation

Challenge: I joined a Sales and Marketing Consultancy when they were booking $6M in revenue annually. The firm’s goal was to grow revenue a minimum of 30% per year as long as they owned the firm. To grow to the heights the partners envisioned, more people would need to know us, buy from us, trust us, and promote us in the market.

Solution:  The firm applied a Buyer-focused approach to growth, choosing to differentiate by knowing the market better than its competition. We developed a strategy that required us to research and understand all our Buyers, how they move through their buying journeys, what they do in each stage, and the questions that they ask. Four foundational deliverables were built and maintained.

  1. Personas: The firm started with seven personas and expanded to 11, developing them through research including buyer interviews, surveys, and competitive analyses.
  2. Calls to Action:  The firm planned to engage Buyers at any point along the Buyer’s Way with relevant CTAs including blog subscriptions and scheduled appointments with experts.
  3. Campaigns: The firm ran multiple campaigns through the year, with the one core campaign in Q3 that led to bookings in Q4 and a major contribution to the next year’s revenue.


Results: The firm grew at 30% per year for the six+ years I was there. The firm’s founder successfully exited after growing annual revenue to $40M+ and a valuation of $160M+. Keys to success at the top of funnel included:

  1. 50-70% website traffic growth per year due to more content pulling in more Buyers
  2. 4x improvement on lead conversion due to more relevant Calls to Action and content on the website