Case Study #12: How The Buyer’s Way helps Revenue leaders find meaning in their work

Challenge:  GTM leaders in growing companies want to outperform their competitors and peers and build wealth for their families. As they experience success and achievement, they begin to ask if they’ve also built something meaningful and lasting. They want to tell the story of their career and be proud of the impact it had on the people involved.

Solution: The Buyer’s Way seeks to help GTM leaders build their legacy with their clients and teams. We hope that our clients become trusted partners, willing to join us on our journey as we join them on theirs. While each partnership is unique, there are similar principles that help establish our most trusted partners.


  1. Continuous improvement: We are not content simply because our clients grow revenue faster than expectations. Our clients can’t rest on their laurels, so we are continuously looking for new avenues of growth. We are constantly learning from everything around us, and applying those insights as appropriate for our clients. Clients will never stop adapting the Buyer’s Way as long as their Buyers are evolving.
  2. Purpose-driven approach: We want to understand and share in the values, mission and purpose of our clients. Sometimes we are able to come to that shared vision from day one, other times clients only feel prepared to share those insights once revenue has grown to expected levels. Once we understand that purpose, we work to help our clients achieve that purpose and experience that feeling of fulfillment.

Results: As we seek to develop deep, meaningful relationships with clients, Keys to Success include:

  1. Customer Loyalty: The percent of clients willing to renew with us, and refer us to their peers
  2. Lifetime value: The total amount that our clients invest in our solutions over the course of our relationship